Oh how history repeats its self, a brief history of American recessions, the years ending in 3 and especially 7,8 & 9 are not good years for America.
Recessions in America
1779 – 1780 1807-1814 1819-1824 1837-1843 1857-1860 1873-1879 1893-1896 1907-1908
1918-1921 1929-1931 1937-1938 1953-1954 1975-1976 1979-1980 1982-1983
2001-2003 2008-
Stock Market Crashes 1929 1987 2008
For all you market watchers, the Dow Jones index in 1960 was approx 700 points and it took until end 1982 to pass through the 1,000 point mark and stay above that mark.
At the start of January 1983 the Dow was 1,027 points, at close on the 9th October 2007 it had risen to 14,164 points.
Finally if in 1962 you purchased 1,000 Berkshire Hathaway ‘A’ shares you would have paid around $7 - 8.00 per share ($7,-8,000.00), today those shares are trading around $96,460.00 per share ($96,460,000.00) not a bad profit, their share price dropped the other night by $3,600.00 per share (your loss $3,600,000.00), Berkshire Hathaway is Warren Buffett’s company.
To protect yourself from crashes or damages like these head to
James Harman and Associates